Article Detail
08 Jul
Benefits of MCR Slippers / MCP Slippers/ MCR Footwear
Legs are most important part of Body, which is holding entire body weight.
Benefits of MCR Chappals / MCP Slippers/ MCR Footwear and MCR based Diabetic Shoes:
Generally Micro Cellular Rubber Footwear or MCR Footwear used to heal Diabetic foot Problems, Foot Pain, Arch Pain and Back pain.Also it will provide following health benefits
- Microcellular Rubber Footwear or MCR Footwear used to cure Diabetic Problems, Foot Pain, Arch Pain and Back pain
- Flat Foot causes Serious health problem
- MCR Slippers and Insoles absorb shocks from eternal forces
- MCR Based Arch Insoles prevent the friction
- Arch Support footwear or Insole can prevent the Flat Foot Problems
- Plantar Fasciitis (High Arch) Problem
- Metatarsalgia (Toe Muscle Pain) Problem
- Bunlon (Narrow Toe) problem
- Morton’s Neuroma (Leg Fingers Pain) Problem
- Hallux Rigidus (Leg Tamp Finger Pain) Problem
- Lower Back Pain
- Corns (hard Skin Over Leg Toe Area)
- Calluses (hard Skin bottom of the feet area)
- Diabetic Foot Care
- Heel Pain